There are two categories: the 35 + and the 50 + teams.
We will give the line-up with the Dreamteam 50 + as an example and we ask each team to send the details to the webmaster of the EVRI-site (p.sacramento@pro2manage.nl), so we can make an up-to-date gallery. If there are some sponsors involved, no problem. Mention the sponsors in the e-mail as well and - if possible - send the sponsorlogo in the e-mail or mention the website of the sponsor, so we can place their logo with your team foto!

Country : Portugal City : Viana do Castelo Delegate : José Natário Email : Website : Sponsor :

Country : Italy City : Carbonia Category : 50+ Delegate : Email : Website : Sponsor :

Country : Spain City : Barcelona Delegate : Mr. M. Aquilar Email : miaqumateo@yahoo.es Website : www.hockeyvetebarcino.blogspot.com Sponsor :

Country : Portugal City : Viana do Castelo Delegate : José Natário Email : Website : Sponsor :

Country: Belgium City: Kuringen

Country: Portugal City: Porto

Country : Portugal City : Barcelos Category : 50+ Delegate : Email : Website : Sponsor :

Country: Belgium City: Kuringen