Pavilhão Municipal de Monserrate
Av. de Atlantico
4900-348 Viana do Castelo

Pavilhão Desportivo de Meadela
Rua Quinta do Bispo de Angola
4900-503 Viana do Castelo

Category +35 veterans
Juv. de Viana Portugal
C.T. Barcino Spain
GEiGG Spain
Rolta R.H.C.Leuven Belgium
C.Patin. Vilafranca Spain
C.P. Parede Portugal
Paço de Arcos Portugal
Hockey Club Ottoruotte Carbonia Italy
Amatori Hockey Bassano Italy
F.C. Porto - Vintage Portugal
Óquei Clube de Barcelos Portugal
Juventude Vila Praia Portugal
Category +50 veterans
Juv. de Viana Portugal
Dreamteam The Netherlands
G.D.R. Os Lobinhos Portugal
H.C. Castiglione Italy
C.P. Cibeles Spain
Hocky Evergreen Trieste 50 Italy
GEiGG Spain
C.T. Barcino Old Cat 50 Spain
E.H.R.C. Marathon The Netherlands
Kurink HC Belgium
Centro Asturiano Oviedo Spain
Tergest-A.S.D Tergest Hoquey Evergreen Italy
Voltrega Spain
C.P. Parede Portugal
La Portena Argentina Argentina
Amatori Hockey Bassano Italy
Dear friends,
We are very pleased to invite you to another edition of the EVRICUP !!
In this case the Evricup 2018 in Viana do Castelo-Portugal.
This most expected, hopefully great event, will take place from the 20th to the 23th of June 2018.
So please remember:
Send confirmation note as soon as possible to:
or / and
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
The Organization.

You just need to remember the old rules as well:
- 10 players and 2 delegates for each team
- All players aged more then 50 can play in both cathegories (35+ and 50+).
Please be wise to choose the one that fits your fitness
But if you'r under 50, then i'm sorry to say, that you can only play with the kids.
- Please beware that you are not allowed to participate if you took part in the federate classe in the previous season 2016/2017. Also take due note that this invitation doesn't necessary means that all the teams can participate.
Further information regarding confirmations and payment will soon be sent.
- Rules will tell us wich are the teams that are better placed (please check credits) to take part in this event.
Therefore please hold on for further information
- The registration fee is set at 250,00 eur (two hundred and fifty euro). Please wait for further instructions such as bank and account coordenates as well as time limit for the necessary money transfer.
- Registration fee wil intitle all members of each team (maximum 12 persons) to take part at dinner that will occur after the end of the tournament.
- Family members or friends can also take part by paying an aditional amount of 25,00 eur each. Reservations until 01-06-2018.
- In case of drop out until 20-04-2018 there will be only a refund of 50% of the registration fee
- In case of drop out until 20-05-2018 we are sorry to say there is no refund.
- Soon we will send you names of hotel facilities and other relevant information.
- Stay tunned for more informations
Best regards,
Pedro Carvalho (pedro.carvalho@expansaoseguros.pt)